Objective for the Emergent and Beginning Reading

Teaching children to enjoy being read to. Staff will involve them in shared reading, word recognition, memorization and recognition of oral language patterns, even though they may not yet be able to connect them to print. Children should learn and know most letters and some book sense, left to right, front to back, right side up. Beginning to make the connection between oral language and written material and read own writing. Pretend read and retell familiar literature.

Reading Skills for the Emergent and Beginning Reader

  • Interested in words
  • Recognizes own name in print
  • Knows names of letters
  • Knows names of numbers through twenty
  • Speaks vocabulary adequately to convey ideas
  • Associates pictures with words
  • Hears rhyming words
  • Can reproduce two and three syllable words
  • Uses picture clues
  • Uses new words
  • Likes to be read to
  • Attention span is sufficiently long
  • Remembers the following from stories that are read aloud: names of characters, main idea and conclusion
  • Can work independently for short periods.

Objective for Emergent and Beginning Writing
Teaching children that drawing conveys message. Children learn to copy letters, words, or sentences from the environment. Begin to use familiar letters and words as labels and write some familiar words from memory. Write with guidance, beginning to use spacing to define word boundaries, may use beginning, middle and ending letters to represent words.

Writing Skills

  • Holds pencil properly
  • Writes own name
  • Writes the numbers one through ten
  • Writes upper case letters
  • Copies simple words and phrases

Objective for Math and Science
For children to begin to understand simple math concepts, enjoy the challenge of problem solving, and gain an appreciation for the world around them. Begins to understand the basic laws of nature.

Math and Science Skills

  • Is able to count to one hundred.
  • Is able to count backwards from twenty.
  • Recognize numbers through fifty
  • Recites the days of the week
  • Recites the months of the year
  • Recognize the following shapes, circle, square, triangle, star, rectangle, oval, diamond
  • Recognize colors
  • Become familiar with textures using these mediums, paint, finger paint, glue, paste, play dough, shaving cream, buttons, beans, rice, popcorn, corn meal, dirt, sand, and water. Recognizes sizes, big, little, tall, short. Sorting by size and color, introduction into patterning. Matches objects to numbers and to colors.

Objectives for Social Development
Providing parallel play and cooperative play for children. Teaching them to problem
solve using words with respect to others. Helping children to understand the importance
of rules and structure in a classroom setting.

Social Skills

  • Learning to control own body
  • Learning to share and cooperate
  • Understanding the established rules and limits
  • Learning to take turns
  • Learning communication through language
  • Learning to control emotions
  • Learning respect for others and for self listening during group time
  • Learning to interact appropriately during group time
  • Learning Christian values such as kindness, honesty, obedience, fairness and forgiveness